Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Unnecessorize. It's my new made up word and I like it! What does it mean? It means getting rid of things that are unnecessary in order for me to organize my life. Makes sense, right?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November what?

I swear the first part of this year was going by at a normal pace, and then BAM! It was October! What the? I stinking love decorating for Halloween and dressing up, but for some reason I was just not into it this year. So October went by pretty fast for me and now it is November, just so you know. I did actually dress up, even though I really didn't want to. I'm glad that I did though because it pulled my out of my Halloween Scrooge mood :)

Anyway, I don't know why I am posting because I don't have much to write about. Brad is finishing up his last week of clinicals this week (for this semester). It has gone by so fast for me, but I don't think it has for him... But that means there is only a couple weeks left of school and then he has almost a whole month off! Hallelujah! Spring will be the last semester of his program and I seriously can't wait for him to be done. I'm sure he won't miss driving 500 miles a week for school, 120 miles for work a week, sleeping in his truck, and never having a day off. I seriously don't know how he does it, but he sure is my hero! It is hard not to just focus on the end so we are really trying to enjoy the journey. It is harder than it looks.

Let's see, what else... Oh yes! We are going to take a little vacay to see my bestie and her hubby in a little while. I seriously can't wait. Oh but this is no news, since you are the only person that reads this (Allison)! Hehe, for real though. I'm super excited to see her and go somewhere we have never been before! It will be a much needed break after the semester is over.

Hmmm... I have been going to baby showers like no body's business! That's okay though because I do love me some sweet little babies! Speaking of, my sister told us that she is expecting in March so that will mean that we will have 25 nieces and nephews. On my side. I guess I'm going to have to make another trip to GA to see her and my other niece that  was born a couple months ago. Actually, I don't know if it is a her, lol. I just keep calling it that. 

Well, that is pretty much all for now. Lame, I know. Maybe I will go do something productive today, or not. :)